

Irish Trees Planting forests

Good Health & Wellbeing | SDG #3

Wellbeing & Sustainability | 0 comments

Woodlands significantly contribute to health and wellbeing by providing natural restorative spaces for leisure, education and reflection.
We were originally ‘forest people’ as we are at our most tranquil in nature. Planting trees heals the heart and the planet.

“The Irish Trees” is a way of giving back from the heart, creating a legacy of belonging to our heritage, our land and sharing moments of immersing in nature, which is good for our hearts and minds.

As a way giving back to people, Irish Trees donate to Irish Hospice Foundation, LauraLynn Ireland’s Children’s Hospice and Féileacáin, and the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Association of Ireland

Irish Trees Planting Naul Dublin

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